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Liberty Hill ISD

Building Champions in Academics, Character, and Community

Emergency Response

Emergency Response

Liberty Hill ISD utilizes the Standard Response Protocols (SRP) created and distributed by the I Love You Guys Foundation.

In An Emergency Take Action plan

    • Hold is called when there is a need for students and staff to hold one the current location.
    • An announcement is made over the intercom system with necessary information shared.
    • Active threats, that do NOT involve imminent danger, we use a Secure Response.
    • Students and staff are brought inside the building to use the physical building as a layer of protection.  The outside doors are secured and monitored and business continues as normal inside the school building.
    • During an active threat situation, such as an active shooter-type attack, we use a Lockdown Response. 
    • Staff and students lock doors, turn off the lights and get out of sight.
    • All staff are empowered to take action to protect themselves and others by using Avoid (get away from danger, Deny (block entry) and Defend (protect yourself and others).
    • Evacuation is called when there is a need to move students from one location to another.
    • Campus staff, with students, practice one evacuation drill each month.
    • Evacuation includes:
      • Activate a fire alarm
      • Announcement over the school intercom system
    • Shelter is called when the need for personal protection is necessary.
    • Understand the difference between a Tornado Watch and Warning.
      • Tornado Watch: Conditions are right for a tornado. No immediate action necessary.
        • Keep an “eye to the sky” and monitor local weather so appropriate action can occur if conditions worsen.
      • Tornado Warning: A funnel cloud has been sighted. Take shelter in appropriate locations.
    • The School Nurse working with the District Health Services Department are responsible for providing health care and emergency treatment until Emergency Medical Services (EMS) or parent/guardian arrives to assume health care responsibility.
    • When a student becomes seriously ill or injured, the parent/guardian and the school principal or designee is notified immediately. In serious cases in which immediate medical attention is needed, the School Nurse will call 9-1-1 and provide care.
    • Parents who have specific concerns about medical care for their student with a pre-existing condition should notify the campus nurse directly.
    • Identification is required by all campus visitors. The visitor management system scans the sexual offender database, alerting campus staff to a possible match.
    • The campus administrator has final authority as to controlling access on their campus.
    • Parents or legal guardians of a child or children enrolled in district schools may be permitted on school property or in attendance at school-sponsored activities, even if they are in the database.
    • If access is allowed, they will be escorted by a school employee the entire time he/she is on campus, and they will have no unescorted access to any common area of the building.
    • No other person known to be a registered sex offender, based on an offense against a child, will be permitted to be present on school property or at any school- sponsored activity.
    • Volunteers must complete the volunteer approval process. LHISD Volunteers
  • If a bus related emergency or medical emergency occurs...

    • Appropriate officials are contacted
      • 9-1-1 or LHISD Police Department, transportation and campus principal.
    • Transportation will deploy replacement transportation as the situation demands.
    • Parents are notified as soon as information and facts are available.
    • Bat season usually runs from March through October. However, every campus and facility in the District is subject to the presence of bats any time of year. Bats can transmit rabies if contact is made with the bat.
    • If a bat (dead or alive) is located, campus staff is instructed to call the Maintenance Department.  Only trained staff should dispose of a bat.
    • If the rabies test comes back positive, the Health Department may require notice to be posted at the school.
    • A student is missing if they are unaccounted for at school, on school property, at a school activity or while traveling to and from school.
    • In the event a student is confirmed missing, school officials, LHISD Police Department, parents and 9-1-1 are notified.
    • Anyone who suspects that a child has been or may be abused or neglected has a legal responsibility to report to law enforcement or Child Protective Services (CPS).
    • Any district employee, agent, or contractor has an additional legal obligation to submit a report to law enforcement or CPS, as applicable, within 48 hours of when the person first suspects that the child has been or may be abused or neglected. Failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect is a criminal offense. Do not try to investigate suspicions; a trained investigator will evaluate the child’s situation.
    • You cannot delegate this responsibility to another person. All people who suspect child abuse or neglect must make their report.
  • When a bomb threat is received...

    • If caller ID is available, the person who receives the bomb threat over the telephone writes down the incoming phone number and gives to police.
    • As much information as possible is written down and provided to authorities, i.e., the threat, male or female voice, background noise, accent of caller, tone of caller.
    • Campus Actions
      • Call 9-1-1.
      • LHISD Police Department is notified.
      • The principal or designee notified.
      • Students are removed from the immediate area and wait for directions from the principal or designee.
      • Students and remain in a designated area until all clear.
  • SRO duties include:

    • Being a Mentor (45%), a Counselor (45%) and using Law Enforcement (10%)
    • Maintaining a safe and secure environment and investigating offenses.
    • Possessing high moral standards and use of good judgement and discretion.
    • Helping resolve problems that are not necessarily criminal matters.
    • Being a law related educator, mentor and counseling of students.
    • Providing students with a better understanding of how the legal system works.
    • Being a source of support for district school-based law enforcement programs
    • Training students, staff and parents on crime prevention issues.
    • Police Department (Emergency): 9-1-1
    • Liberty Hill ISD Police (non-emergencies): (512) 260-5532
    • Williamson County Sheriff (non-emergencies): (512) 864-8282
    • Fire Department: 9-1-1
    • Williamson County Health Department: (512) 943-3640
    • Disease Reporting: (512) 943-3660
    • Poison Control Center: 1 (800) 222-1222
    • Williamson County Animal Control: (512) 864-8282
    • Capital Area Crime Stoppers: 1 (800) 893-8477
    • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1 (800) 273-8255
    • American Red Cross Central Texas: (512) 928-4271
    • Texas Department of Family Protective Services: 1 (800) 252-5400
    • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children: 1 (800) 843-5678
    • LHISD Transportation (512) 379-3250