Liberty Hill ISD School Board Meetings
The Liberty Hill Independent School District Board of Trustees meets regularly on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 PM. Meetings are held in the Board Room at the Liberty Hill ISD Administration Building, located at 301 Forrest Street, Liberty Hill, TX 78642.
Meeting notices and agendas are posted at the Administration Building at least 72 hours before each meeting.
Public Participation
Community members are welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings. If you wish to address the Board during the designated public comment period, please sign up prior to the meeting. Each speaker is allotted up to three minutes. Groups are encouraged to designate a spokesperson to represent their collective views.
While the Board does not take action or provide comments on issues raised during public comments, trustees may refer topics to the administration or consider them for a future agenda.
Liberty Hill ISD leverages YouTube for school board meeting livestreams and archival. You can view our YouTube channel here.
Liberty Hill Independent School District regular board meetings are generally held the third Monday of each month unless otherwise noted on the meeting notice. (School holidays or other unforeseen circumstances may result in an alternate date).
Liberty Hill Independent School District Board meeting agendas are posted online with BoardBook. BoardBook is a web-based software application that electronically streamlines the preparation of board agenda packets and builds a searchable archive of meeting agenda packets and approved minutes.
Current and prior school board meeting agendas are available here.
You can view these records at the link here. Please note reports prior to the 2023 election cycle are currently unavailable.