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Liberty Hill ISD

Building Champions in Academics, Character, and Community

Temporary Disability Leave (TDL)

Temporary Disability Leave (TDL)

Temporary Disability Leave (TDL) provides up to 180 (consecutive) days of unpaid job protection leave for a full-time employee whose position requires a State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). Time away is for an employee’s own serious health condition and runs concurrently with FMLA leave time. For childbirth, time away under TDL would require healthcare certification from a healthcare provider for the employee’s own serious health condition. TDL may not be used for intermittent leave. Leave is unpaid if the employee has exhausted all paid leave. Medical certification is required.

Job protection is time away from work that an employer must allow an eligible employee. For additional information on TDL refer to DEC Local.