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Liberty Hill ISD

Building Champions in Academics, Character, and Community

School Health Program

Safe and Healthy Schools

Physical Education

Liberty Hill ISD teaches health and fitness through physical education (PE) classes in grades kindergarten-12, as well as, athletics and sports involvement in grades 7-12.  See Board Policy for details regarding district policy of physical education at grades kindergarten-5 and 6-12.

School Health Advisory Council

The Board has established a local school health advisory council to assist the District in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the District’s health education instruction.  For more information regarding SHAC, see Board Legal Policy or the SHAC webpage.

Student Fitness Assessment

Annually, Liberty Hill ISD uses FitnessGram (adopted by the Commissioner of Education at Texas Education Agency) to test each student's physical fitness in grades 3-8, as required by the Department of Education.

The FitnessGram assessment measures body composition, aerobic capacity, strength, endurance, and flexibility.  Students are considered to be in the “Healthy Fitness Zone” if they achieved certain levels on six tests, with performance targets tied to a student’s age and gender.  The tests include activities such as a one-mile run, curl-ups, push-ups, trunk lift, shoulder stretches.

Tobacco Policies

The Board prohibits smoking or using tobacco products at a school-related or school-sanctioned activity on or off school property.  Students are prohibited from possessing tobacco products at a school-related or school-sanctioned activity on or off school property.

The District shall ensure that nutrition guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall be at least as restrictive as federal regulations and guidance and that all foods available on each campus are in accordance with the Texas Public School Nutrition Policy.
For information regarding vending machines, nutrition guidelines, free/reduced lunch applications, and menu options, visit Liberty Hill ISD's Child Nutrition Services webpage.

Human Sexuality Curriculum and Instruction

Certified health and science teachers present the sexuality curriculum as outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Health Education.

The District currently uses the Scott & White Wellness and Sexual Health Program, an abstinence-plus program, at the Liberty Hill High School, and partners with Austin LifeGuard to present an abstinence-based sexuality program at the Liberty Hill Junior High School and Liberty Hill High School.

Parents should contact the campus principal should they have questions or wish to preview the material for human sexuality instruction.