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Liberty Hill ISD

Building Champions in Academics, Character, and Community

Vaping Resources

Vaping Resources

In Texas, it is against the law for any person, regardless of age, to use tobacco products or e-cigarettes on school property. The Penal Code provides for citations of up to $500 for violations of the law. Furthermore, Liberty Hill ISD’s Student Code of Conduct is clear that this is not allowed at anytime. Students shall not possess or use tobacco products, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and any component, part or accessory to an e-cigarette device. Consequences, including citations from School Resource Officers, will be administered to students possessing or using vaping devices.

Liberty Hill ISD cares about the safety and health of our students, and is concerned about the potential long-term health risks associated with vaping. Parents can help our district and community address this important safety and health issue. Please take the time to educate yourself on e-cigarettes and vaping devices and spend time talking to your child about vaping and the use of tobacco products. Below are links from reputable organizations which you may find useful.