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Liberty Hill ISD

Building Champions in Academics, Character, and Community

Out of District Transfer FAQ's

  • Liberty Hill ISD is not accepting any new out of district transfer students into the district.

  • Any student whose primary residence does not fall within the Liberty Hill Independent School District attendance zone boundaries.

  • Dates to be aware of for the 2022-2023 out of district transfer student application process are as follows:

    Transfer Timeline for the 2023-2024 School Year

    This timeline is subject to board approval.  Each year, Liberty Hill ISD will determine whether or not to accept out of district transfer students.  If the decision is made by the district to continue to accept out of district transfer students, the above-mentioned timeline will proceed accordingly.

    *At this time, Liberty Hill ISD is not accepting any NEW out of district transfer students into the district.

  • All out of district transfer students will be notified of their campus designation on June 24, 2022 when they receive their acceptance/denial letter.  The superintendent shall assign out of district transfers to a campus upon entry into the district.  To avoid overcrowding of schools and to keep a proper balance in enrollment, the administration reserves the right to assign out of district transfer students to any one of the district’s campuses.

  • No, we are not accepting applications for out of district transfers who qualify for pre-kindergarten.  We are only considering students in grades K-12.

  • No.  Students are approved/denied individually. 

  • In approving out of district transfer students, the superintendent, or designee, shall consider the availability of space and instructional staff, the student’s disciplinary history, and attendance records.

  • Legally, the day you move out of the district, you are no longer considered a resident of Liberty Hill ISD, and therefore your child would need to attend the district where you now reside.

  • The requirements for attending a Texas public school is the student’s primary residence and that is defined as where they “lay their head at night.”  Based on this condition, your property would not qualify your student as a Liberty Hill Independent School District resident.

  • No.  A review of current out of district transfer students’ attendance and discipline will be conducted each spring.  If the student is not meeting district standards in any of these areas for the previous school year, they may not be renewed for the coming school year.

  • Your student will need to attend school in your home district.  If Liberty Hill Independent School District accepts out of district transfer students the following school year, you may reapply at that time.  There is no appeal process for a transfer application that is denied.

Additional Questions