What is District of Innovation?
The District of Innovation concept, passed by the 84th Legislative Session in House Bill 1842, gives traditional independent school districts most of the flexibilities available to Texas’ open-enrollment charter schools. For more information, please visit: Districts of Innovation FAQ's.
The Benefits of DOI:
- Local control: Districts decide which flexibilities best suit their local needs.
- Autonomy: Districts must submit a district of innovation plan to the commissioner of education, but approval is not required.
- Flexibility: Districts will have the flexibility to implement practices similar to charter schools, including exemptions from mandates.
Liberty Hill District of Innovation include 3 areas:
- school start date,
- minimum attendance rule, and
- teacher certification requirements.
School Start Date:
- Statute: Requires a school district may not begin instruction for students for a school year before the fourth Monday in August.
- Proposed: Begin school before the fourth Monday in August.
- Benefit: End school before summer sessions begin at area colleges.
Attendance Rule:
- Statute: requires a student to attend school for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered in order to receive credit.
- Proposed: Exemption from minimum attendance (does not alter compulsory attendance requirements).
- Benefit: High School students may advance in coursework as measured by mastery; rather than seat time.
Teacher Certification and Field-Based Experience Requirements:
- Statute requires all school district teachers be certified in accordance with rules adopted by the State Board for Educator Certification.
- Proposed: Exempt teacher certification requirements for some career and technical teaching positions that are difficult to fill.
- Benefit: Flexibility to hire skilled individuals for hard to fill career and technical education courses.
What is process is required to adopt an innovation plan?
- A resolution was adopted at the January 2017 board meeting.
- A public hearing was held on February 1, 2017 to consider whether the district should develop an innovation plan which was unanimously passed.
- A committee was appointed to develop a plan.
- The plan is under a 30 day public review. Please send questions/comments to Dr. Toni Hicks.
- Notification to the Commissioner of intent to adopt plan.
- Board votes on developed plan at the March 20th board meeting.
WHEREAS Education Code 12A.001 provides that a district is eligible for designation as a district of innovation if the district's most recent performance rating under Section 39.054 reflects at least acceptable performance and that consideration of designation as a district of innovation may be initiated by a resolution adopted by the board of trustees of the district; and
WHEREAS the Liberty Hill Independent School District's most recent performance rating un der Education Code 39.054 reflects at least acceptable performance.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Liberty Hill Independent School District by adoption of this resolution initiates the process under Education Code Chapter 12A to become a District of Innovation.